

Below you find information on how to travel to Årrenjarka. Årrenjarka is situated in the Northern part of Sweden above the Arctic circle, ca 100 km North West from Jokkmokk, and 17 km south of KvikkJokk along the Road 805

By Train or Bus

During summer time Bus 94 departure from Murjek all the way to Årrenjarka. The itinerary is 3 h, 35 min. During winter you travel with Bus 43 from Murjek to Jokkmokk Bus Station. From here you change bus to Kvikkjokksbussen (Bus 47) and disembark at Årrenjarka. For bus tickets see Länstrafiken Norrbotten ( By Train & Bus: The itinerary can be booked through

By car

Drive to Jokkmokk, take Road 45 towards Gällivare. Drive circa 7 km and head westbound on Road 805 and follow the road 96 km until you arrive at Årrenjarka.

By airplane

The nearest airports are Luleå & Gällivare. Länstrafiken Norrbotten provide an Air Shuttle that transfer you between Lulleå Airport and Jokkmokk. For more information regarding time schedules, price and how to book, please see Länstrafiken Norrbotten’s site ( )


Lat N 66° 52' 59.4"Lon E 18° 01' 14.5"

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I samarbete med helikopterföretagen Fiskflyg och Kallaxflyg kan vi erbjuda er helikopterflygningar till eller från Årrenjarka Fjällby. Varför inte påbörja/avsluta er jakt, fiske eller vandrings resa med helikopter i Årrenjarka?

Alternativt så kan vi erbjuda rundflyg runt den vackra fjällvärlden som omger vår fjällby.

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